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Ragusa in tour


Ragusa on tour is a company operating in tourism, and it has several services: From 24/24 h taxi service, rent minibus from 6/8 seats. Also rent moto-scooter model 125 Atlantis Derby (for driving license is sufficient cat. B) and car (Fiat Panda and Renault Clio).


At the bottom you will find companionship contact form, with which you can contact our staff for information, quotes and any clarification. Our staff will contact you shortly.


Taxi Service

Taxi - Transfer in Ragusa


NCC e luxury transfer


Siracusa, Ortigia, Teatro Greco


Agrigento, Valley of the Temples.


Catania and Etna Park

Ragusa Ibla

The Baroque of Ragusa


Cefalù and the Madonie.


Location of Montalbano.

The magic of the Baroque, the golden beaches, the Mediterranean sea, the sun and a thousand other charms, await you in Sicily, to spend a wonderful holiday here, relaxing and fun.

In collaboration with BàB, hotels, holiday homes and holiday resorts in the whole territory, with discounts and exclusive offers for its customers.